Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lohikeitto - Salmon Soup

Today we will have Salmon Soup for supper! :D

It's a very common dish in Finland, but that's probably because of the wide availability of Salmon in the Nordic countries. It's so wonnnnderfully affordable here!
And yet the sushi prices here are beyond the affordability of any mortal human such as myself. I'll never understand it. But that's why I make sushi at home from time to time when our pockets allow us to buy fresh Salmon!

Salmon soup is a very simple recipe!
All you need is some salmon, potatoes, carrots(optional) onions, cream, black pepper and dill. Just put the salmon, cream (adding extra milk is optional) and dill in towards the end of the potatoes' cooking time and tadaa! Oh and also add in a big glomp of butter when it's finished 8) That's right, no need for specific amounts in my recipe's ;P
Here's a more precise recipe if you wish:

Oh! And it's best with rye bread, but I don't think South African's know what real rye bread is until you taste Finnish rye bread 8) It's SO good. The Rye Bread in SA was always really bad...

Anyhoo, will start supper now! Tata~


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